Illustrated Equity Market Analyses
Illustrated analyses are designed for professionals in financial services, or in related fields, that operate on medium or longer term horizons. Agathos’ illustrations allow a time and cost efficient briefing on the comparative state of global equity markets. They were designed to always give information with context. Context may arise from the comparison with other markets, or it may be derived from recent history. A combination of visual and numerical information always provides an additional layer of depth otherwise lacking. Data for all markets are shown on identical scales, which makes it particularly easy to visually identify differences as well as similarities.
Because of the specific manner in which exhibits are composed, even complex statistics gain transparency, making Illustrated Equity Market Analyses particularly valuable. They greatly facilitate in-house communications, between specialists (e.g. an Asset Management Department) and other involved parties (e.g. an Investment Policy Committee). The standardisation of monitoring puts everybody effortlessly onto the same page. It establishes the common platform for any subsequent exchange of views. Clients can freely mix and match collections and choose up-date intervals to suit their own specific requirements.
The body of illustrated equity market analyses consists of different exhibit collections, each designed for a particular purpose, and audience. Currently, five otherwise identical international collections are generated for two different time frames, each with a matching up-date cycle: