
All collections of illustrated equity market statistics are available for subscription. Clients can mix collections and choose their own up-date cycle of each. Up-dates may equal the publication cycle (weekly) or be less frequent: monthly, or quarterly, or they could be every trimester, semester, or once a year.

Weekly collections are available before the opening of business on Mondays. Monthly collections become available during the course of the first business day of the following month.

Exhibit collections have a certain number of value points. Subscriptions are priced based on their point value. For instance, Weekly International Comparison (COWE) subscribed to on a weekly update cycle has a point value of 780 (52 issues at 15) per year, on a monthly update cycle the point value of the collection is 180. The price of a value point decreases with volume. Starting at parity, from 250 points upwards, the rate drops by 5% for every additional 250 points. Above 2500 points the price is negotiable.

Point Values Weekly CollectionMonthly Collection
M10 International Comparison15 30
M10 Summary Sheets510
M10 Distribution Analyses1020
M10 Regression Analyses1020
M10 Metric Trails2040
Single Market Metric Trails1020

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